Aloha Ohana, Sorry for the absense of posts this month, Organizing after this last move and getting some firewood in for the rest of the Winter has worn me out. So I'm slowly getting back to a somewhat normal situation here in the new place and will try to catch up a bit. I got a commission recently to do a copy of an old painting of mine done in 1994. This first photo is the underpainting of Permanent Rose loosely applied with a large flat bristle brush. Next I used Titanium White and Pthalo Turquoise to suggest the area that would eventually represent the sky. Then I brushed some Cadmium Yellow Dark into the lower third of the canvas to warm it up and bring it forward. After that I began to work with Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine Blue, Magenta and a bit of White to start layering the hills and trees of the scene. More later! Aloha, Timo