I've been treating myself for a cold for the last 3 days at home. It has been a creative endeavor involving vitamin C, raw garlic, Vick's Vaporub, zinc lozenges, water, apirin and lots of rest. I am feeling a bit more alive today, but still have some symptoms in my chest. I'm glad I have enough firewood to stay warm through this ordeal. I haven't accomplished much in the way of painting. I did however hang most of a show of my work in the tasting room of a local winery called "Woodenhead" on River Road between Forestville and Fulton here in beautiful Sonoma County. There are 14 paintings there as I write this and still space for me to hang a few more. I'll get over there hopefully today sometime to finish hanging the show. This 18" x 24" oil on canvas painting of a friend's Hereford bull with a view of the entrance to Pomo Canyon is one of the pieces represented there, but the show is a blend of subject matter including vineyards and seascapes. Check it out if you're in the area. Mahalo, Timo