A Valentine's Day portrait commission of my friends Mike & Vira was a success. I like it and she likes it. He hasn't seen it yet because it's a gift from her for tomorrow. Love Day. I wish Akua would bless me with a Valentine. I'm kind of tired of being single. It's been quite awhile since I've been with anyone in a real romantic sense. I don't think I'm too bad, but who knows what women think or want besides security these days. I guess I don't have very much of that to offer. My life is still very full in many ways. I choose to believe that sometime soon I will be guided to my mate for the duration. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, but soon... Mahalo for dropping by. I'll show you a new painting I started late Wednesday night, but haven't stopped to photograph yet. I'm painting directly over an old thing of some buffalo so the canvas had a good layer of paint on it to begin with. It always goes quicker working over an old painting as a ground instead of using a new canvas. Anyway I'll show you tomorrow. Aloha, Timo
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