Monday, May 31, 2010

The New Non-Objective Progress

I've been painting on this Non-Objective painting on the side while I work on the current portrait on the main easle. The bottom image is how it has been sitting while the paint was being applied. The upper image has been rotated 180 degrees. Interesting... Comments anyone?

Slow progress

A little bit more progress on the new portrait. I haven't been able to really concentrate on it for a couple of days so it doesn't show too much change from last time. A bit.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Focusing Strokes

Another hour's labor(of love) has made small differences that all contribute to what is needed to bring this little portrait to life. Every stroke counts! Aloha, Timo

Friday, May 28, 2010

Better Photo

Here's a better photo of this stage of the little (12" x 9") portrait of my friend's daughter. The preceding shot was somewhat out of focus. It seems to be coming along fairly well, I think.

A few more strokes

For some reason my camera can't choose between the two images it was seeing on my easle so it didn't get into focus on either one. Any way here's a few more strokes on the new one.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Starting a new Portrait

I started a new portrait painting of a friend of mine's daughter yesterday. This is about 2 hours work. More later. Aloha, Timo

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A little bit more progress

I haven't had much time (energy?) lately to work on this vineyard painting I started last week, but I did spend about an hour on it yesterday. Mahalo for checking in! Have a GREAT day! Aloha, Timo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Starting a New Tommy T Poster

I started a new poster for Tommy Thomsen today. Here's what I got accomplished. I couldn't find a heavy line black pen to fill in so I used a dark purple. Interesting.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Another Session

Another 2 hours of painting covered this much more canvas.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Setting the Stage

After another three hour session I've reached this stage in developing this image of an old vineyard that belonged to a man named Enrique Bastoni. This is on Riebli Road in the hills North-East of Santa Rosa, California. I'll keep you posted on it's progress. Aloha, Timo

Starting Anew!

I began a new painting last night on a large(28" x 52") canvas that I built when I was living on Sonoma Mountain Road last year. One session with a #14 bristle flat produced this result in about 3 hours. I know the clouds are TOO pink right now, but they'll work when I'm done. Aloha, Timo

The New, Improved "Peace"

I reworked this painting called "Peace"( 18" x 24" oil on canvas ) yesterday. Mostly brightened things up a bit using my imagination and memory instead of looking for the old reference photo to use as a guide. I spent some time working a few more details into everything, and I like it much better now. Anyone out there know someone who might like to own it? Email me with any questions or an offer! I'm: tddixon at mcn dot org or phone seven oh seven, nine three nine, nine eight six nine. Mahalo & Aloha, Timo

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Almost Finished Bob P Portrait

The almost finished(I thought) portrait of Bob P. is going to get a bit more attention because I stumbled across the paper with the enlargement of his image while looking for something else. I had been working from the original snapshot and memory because I couldn't locate it after the recent move. So I'll be updating this painting again soon. Aloha Ohana, Timo

Monday, May 10, 2010

Subconscious Colorplay

The Non-Objective painting I started has progressed during the work on the Bob Pedroncelli portrait. Remember I'm using pigments that are left on my brush after I do whatever I'm doing on the "Conscious" work underway. I try to wipe it off all sides of the brush and let my subconscious determine the flow of strokes and their placement within the composition. I've had the canvas in the upper orientation during this particular work period, but I find it says more inverted to this position. It feels kind of landscape-ish this way. What do you think?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Getting There!

It's all about catching the LIGHT right! Light reflected from light objects illuminates things and carries color with it. This painting is evolving toward the reality of the light expressed by the morning sunlight shining through the moist atmosphere of the islands. The golden glow of the swiftly rising sun lending a warmth to the cool water of the Pailolo Channel between he and the island of Maui .

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Tad More

Zeroing in on the light source(s) in this composite portrait of my friend Bob P. was a matter of reconciling the light in the original snapshot and the photo I chose to use for the place to have him sitting. The view is from our friend Martin's back porch looking across the Pailolo Channel at the North-West corner of Maui eight miles away to the South. The Sun is coming up over the Pacific Ocean to the East (to the left).

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Getting back to Bob P.

I recently restretched the portrait of Bob Pedroncelli that I started last year and had to put down for various reasons. So here's the first session on that project. Just roughing in the sky around He and what will represent the palm trees behind him. Mahalo Akua for another Good Day! Aloha, Timo

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two Vertical Options

The two vertical orientations of the new beginning are interesting too. Just letting it flow where my subconscious dictates is freeing. Remember, this is usually just extra paint that Is being wiped off of whatever brush I happen to be using at that juncture. So the size of the brush and the quantity of pigment on it, as well as the color present have a hand in determining what the stroke will look like and of course where it is applied. More on this later. Aloha, T