Sunday, May 6, 2012

Waialua Stream progress

     Aloha, Here's the progress on Waialua Stream #1 so far as of today May 6, 2012. I did work late last night, but layed a fair amount of paint. The color at the bottom of this is underpainting that will get mostly covered over by the colors that will follow. The pigments introduced into this long session of painting were: Cadmium red light, Cadmium Orange, Cadmium Lemon Yellow, Raw Sienna, Sap Green, Windsor Green- Yellow Shade, Pthalocyanine Blue and Alizerine Purple. More later... Aloha Ohana, Timo

1 comment:

  1. We took a canoe up the Sacred Waialua River many years ago. The river (stream) was lined with giant bushes of flowers that changed color throughout the day as we traveled. We ended up under a waterfall... very memorable trip. Love your work!
