Sunday, April 22, 2012

Glen Ellen Regional Park

       I went for a hike around Glen Ellen Regional Park a couple of days ago with a wonderful new friend who also enjoys getting out and walking in nature. Actually she says that she prefers running over walking, but this day we walked and hiked some pretty wet trails, but how beautiful it was! This is the lake that lies at the heart of this great little local park. I'll probably do some painting here soon.
       Mahalo for stopping by.  Aloha for now, Timo

Friday, April 20, 2012

Finished portrait of Moki Kau

    Aloha e Ohana, Here's the finished painting of Moki Kau. Mahalo nui loa for stopping by. Aloha, Timo

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moki Kau

Here's the finished painting of Moki Kau from a photograph taken in front of the Pioneer Inn, Lahaina, Maui - 1965 by Martin Van der Kamp.
Mahalo for stopping by.

Aloha, Timo

Monday, April 9, 2012

A bit more on Moki

The painting of Moki Kau is coming along as I add more color. I've been working on his skin tones so he's starting to appear more realistic as it progresses. Remember that my reference for this is an old black & white 8"x10" glossy print done in around 1965. It's fun to do a color interpretation though. It makes me use my mind a bit more I think.

Aloha, Timo

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Progress on Moki Kau

I'm making good progress on the painting of Moki Kau. He's a very interesting subject.